Wednesday, June 22, 2011

St. John's Jesuit Students Repair School in Garbage Dump Community

Twenty students from St. John’s Jesuit (SJJ) High School and Academy are volunteering with International Samaritan in the garbage dump community of Guatemala City. During the 10-day service learning trip, SJJ volunteers will by rehabilitating the Francisco Coll School.

”The foundation of the school is settling, causing the walls to have these massive fissures and cracks,” said Andrew Pawuk, I.S. Program Director. Located near the Guatemala City garbage dump, the Francisco Coll School provides quality education and nutritious food to more than 300 children in first through sixth grade.

Later in the week, the students will embark on an excursion to the Romero Center at the University of Central America to pay homage to Jesuit martyrs. While in El Salvador, they will visit Archbishop Romero's residence and the chapel where he was martyred.

This is SJJ’s sixteenth year working with International Samaritan on poverty relief programs.

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